As the pet industry continues to grow exponentially — Bloomberg projects the global pet market will grow to $500 Billion By 2030 — creating unforgettable experiences through events has become a vital aspect of brand marketing for companies seeking to stand out from the pack.

A successful showing at a pet industry event like GPE or SuperZoo can elevate your brand’s presence, build connections with customers and industry partners, and ultimately drive business growth.

To ensure your event leaves a pawprint on attendees’ hearts — particularly buyers and retailers — here are a few essential starter tips to get you going.

1. Define Your Purpose and Objectives

Before you dive into event planning, it’s important to identify the upcoming event’s purpose and set clear objectives.

For instance, are you there to showcase your brand, or is it more about a product launch?

Establishing these goals will help guide all your subsequent decisions, ensuring that every aspect of the event aligns with your brand’s message and values.

2. Know Your Audience

Understand your target audience and tailor the event to their interests and preferences.

Pet owners, pet industry professionals, and animal enthusiasts may have different expectations, so customize the event experience accordingly.

Consider including educational workshops, engaging demonstrations, and interactive activities that resonate with your attendees.

Check out the booth we designed for World’s Best Cat Litter®

3. Make Your Space Special

Selecting the perfect space at your event sets the tone for your event. This includes both physical location within the event and your brand’s space in the event itself.

While a lot of this depends on your budget, the space you select can make or break your event.

Whether it’s a 20×20 booth shoved in the corner of a packed convention center, or a massive space situated next to the bathrooms, your space needs to stand out.

This brings us to our next point…YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE YOUR BRAND.

Here are a few special ways you can stand out in the crowd.

How Your Pet Brand Can Stand Out at its Next Event

Plan Engaging Activities

To stand out from the crowd, offer unique and interactive activities that foster engagement and excitement. We’re talking giveaways, demos, and so much more.

While this will ultimately depend on if your event is consumer-facing or not, there are still plenty of cool things to do to get attendees involved.

We’ve helped our pet brand partners in the past accomplish the following:

  • Bathroom takeover – Everyone has to use the bathroom…so we convinced organizers to let us take over the bathroom branding.
  • Selfie success – We created a selfie wall that allowed attendees to snap a pic, post it on social media and donate to a worthwhile cause. It was a hit.
  • Dog Demos – If you’re a dog brand and you have a dog, don’t hesitate to bring it to your event. People love pups, plain and simple.
Check out how we helped the Kent Pet Group International team stand out at ZooMark 2023.

Offering contests and giveaways where attendees register their information to enter is a great way to engage consumers, and it’s also a good lead gen tool if you’re looking to land retailers.

Limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency, encouraging attendees to take immediate action. You can also consider offering swag bags with branded merchandise as a thank-you for their participation.

Leverage Technology

If you’re not incorporating technology to enhance the event experience, then you’re not thinking big enough.

And no, you don’t need a robot roaming around your booth — there’s a multitude of ways to activate your booth and bring it into the digital space.

Here are a few thought starters:

  • Start branded hashtags to encourage attendees to share their experiences online or enter to win something.
  • Live streaming parts of the event for a broader audience reach – IG Live is a great place for this.
  • Level up your booth with a custom video that allows attendees to understand your brand.

And lastly, don’t forget about all the great people you met at the show. Engaging them in an email campaign where you gauge their interest after the show is a great digital marketing play.

Collaborate with Influencers and Experts

Partner with popular pet influencers, veterinarians, and animal behaviorists to lend credibility and attract a larger audience.

Having experts endorse your products prior to the event, and even attend your event, can add value and legitimacy to your brand.

Their presence will undoubtedly draw more attention and drive traffic to your booth.

Lastly, if all else fails and your budget just doesn’t allow for crazy tech or an influencer, you need to make your booth pop!

The Importance of Creating an Eye-Catching Booth

Your booth is the centerpiece of your event presence. Design a visually appealing and pet-friendly booth that showcases your brand’s personality.

Here are a few helpful tips on how to stand out:

  • Use bright colors and eye-catching displays to attract attendees.
  • Include interactive elements, such as pet play areas, product demonstrations, or sampling stations.
  • Go beyond your booth by designing some unique event t-shirts, hats, or fanny packs that help you stand out even further.
Check out this booth panel we designed for Blue-9 Pet Products for ZooMark International 2023.

Don’t worry – we’ve got way more!

A well-executed pet brand event can have a lasting impact on your business and help you forge meaningful connections with your target audience. By defining clear objectives, catering to your audience’s interests, and incorporating engaging activities, your event will stand out from the competition.

Embrace creativity, technology, and collaboration to unleash the full potential of your brand at its next event and leave a tail-wagging impression on attendees — ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind in the pet industry.