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Walkin’ Pets

Building an ad Campaign that moved customers to fall in love with pet mobility solutions.

Walkin’ Pets is a pioneer in the pet mobility solution space, having spent years providing right-fit solutions for handicap, disabled and injured pets. The brand had the technical prowess to build solutions that change the lives of animals and pet owners and needed an ad campaign that would move people—and sales.

The brand—which specializes in pet wheelchairs, braces and other mobility solutions—was facing increasing competition from cheap knock-offs and needed to leverage their proven results to cement their place as the top choice for pet owners looking to keep pets happy and active. Walkin’ Pets had thousands of success stories, but needed an ad campaign that would communicate the emotional benefit of giving pets their freedom back.

Tiny Bully delivered with a social ad push that combined pinpoint targeting with “show me, don’t tell me” video that showed what happens when people buy Walkin’ Pets products. Our team worked side-by-side with the brand to secure existing video assets and create a story arc that showed how the products set “Miracles in Motion.” The ads messaged the most common problems experienced by pet owners struggling with mobility issues and showed how the products restored their freedom. Each execution added a branded campaign element urging customers to learn more and buy. Tiny Bully launched in-feed Facebook ads and companion carousel ads that showcased individual products.

And customers responded. The ads triggered strong emotions, receiving strong engagement and more importantly—big results.

Walkin’ Pets

Campaign Strategy
Digital Ad Creation
Video Editing
Social Monitoring/Metrics